Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Graduating soon?

Since I not able to fall asleep yet
after drinking tea  #regret 
I'm such a sensitive person to tea/caffeine at night
Even coke can cause me insomnia -.-

Guess what?
I'll be sharing part of my uni life with you in this post :)

I'll be graduating soon?
Yea hopefully.
This will be my last semester in campus (UTAR Kampar)
Then followed by my internship in January 2013
After that?


So last few weeks 
I had my FYP (Final Year Project) presentation.

And it was the toughest presentation 
that we need to face
before we can finally wear our 'square hat' !

How was the presentation?

Me and group members did our best on that day,
So, the rest just leave to God.

 I'll let the picture do the talking... :)

Look professional? Lol

Then the big crowd

Me and bestie, Jeslyn

Me wearing formal attire with blazer.

Before we graduate,
We are also required to do a theme photoshooting

Guess what theme my group has picked?

Well I don't tell you
See it yourself :)

I won't talk much here
Just enjoy the pictures =D

Spot me in red pants 

Bear, Nat, Jeslyn and me

Trying to act cool ahahaa

Trista, Callie and me

Ivonne and me

Qian and me

Shall end my post right here?
Already 4.20 in the morning 
Gotta rest my eyes already @_@
Good night

Will blog more about my uni life and other adventures soon =)
Stay tuned!

Friday, December 7, 2012

My love life? ♥

Well, finally I've made up my mind to start writing my own blog. 
is like finally? 
Ya.... FINALLY!! Lol
The first post that I wish to update you guys is on my current relationship.. 

So I stopped dwelling on the past and move forward..
If you're scratching off your head, what past?? 
Haha.. don't need to so 'kepo' tell you here.
If you're one of my close friends, you will know

It's past anyway. So, forget bout it. 
But NEVER forget the lesson it taught you.

Okay, cut the crap
Continue bout my boyfie
Yea my first official relationship
I repeat, is first OFFICIAL
Many of my friends always ask me 
Why is it so hard for me to get into a relationship??
They say if I want, now sure have uncountable number of Ex already... 
Erm.. not so hyperbola la okay? -.-
But ya, I gotta admit I'm very picky in selecting my bf
Picky in what sense?? 
Not just based on physical appearance like what you think alright
Most important is he knows how to love and treat me well (:

Guess how he gets to know me?
From friend introduction through a photo! 
I'm still curious to find out that picture though..
Cuz I'm not sure exactly which one lol

We officially got together on 11th May 2012
Yea it's about 7 months already..
Time flies!
It's a distance relationship for now, KL-Ipoh
In future it might be distance too, I'm not sure
I might pick another city to work aside from KL
Ok that is few more months punya problem
So let's not mention here first 

In the beginning of our relationship 
Yea gotta admit it's freaking sweet ♥ ♥ ♥ 

And then it goes on.............
Not to say it's not that sweet anymore
It's just maybe after some time 
Feel like getting used to the relationship already
Erm.. don't know how to say
If you're in a relationship, you'll know what I mean right =P

And btw, he is not a sweet talk person
Nor a romantic person
But he's romantic to me in his own way.

Alright coming back to the topic
I remember there was once when I fell sick for few days at his place
I suppose to catch on a train to go back Ipoh on that day
Although I feeling not so well,
I still manage to go back by my own 
and don't wanna waste the train ticket.
But he doesn't let me to do so
Instead he said he will be going back Ipoh with me on the next day
Imagine purposely send me back Ipoh all the way from KL then back to KL again?
It's a waste of time and petrol
But it did make me smile and touched! haha
So I decided not to let him back KL so fast
Grab him to bring me movie and 'paktor' at Ipoh before he leaves :(

Picture of him driving
Me being emo lol
Me and him together wearing couple tee chilling at Starbucks

And I remembered we tried the new drink somewhere around September
Hot salted caramel mocha
We like the taste
And I prefer hot rather than frapp for this drink

I've collected Starbucks xmas card for this year! #just being random

Erm, next thing I wish to confess here is that
He boils porridge for the first time!
And is because of me hehe 

Is like he finally gets into the kitchen 
and NOT cooking maggi mee. hahahaa 
It was a surprise in the morning after I woke up
As he held my hand and walk me into the kitchen
Then I saw this

Consider not bad for first time eh? 

Moving on..
My 22nd birthday celebration for this year, yea since it's the first time he gonna celebrate with me
So he did make a surprise trip down to Ipoh on my birthday night, 25th October
right after he finish work
Unfortunately heavy rain, traffic jam and speed track in the highway 
cause him to reach my place around 1+ midnight.
It took him 4 hours plus to drive down to Kampar
(because I was at Kampar hostel that time lol)
So yea he reached my place with a cake (present already given earlier)
And with his awesomely tired face
Pity him

He laying down on ma bed

Me with birthday cake
Picture of his belated birthday celebration in August #random

So yea lots of things going on and on through out our relationship
I couldn't finish my post if I were to write it out one by one
Summarizing whole chapters from May until now...

Distance is sweet but can be sucks too :)

For me personally, I don't need to see my boyfriend everyday 

However, not seeing for more than 3 weeks or a month kills =(
I hate the feeling of missing someone
When you can't have them when you need them the most

So yea

Distance is killing me 
But sometimes I think it has makes me stronger !

I have to keep reminding myself with positive thoughts...

And yes we do Skype sometimes..

Here's one of his silly picture 
Faking a smile to cheer me up through Skype

Before I ended up my post
I would like to emphasize one thing,

Communication is the key to a good relationship
Without communication, the relationship dies.
Therefore guys, 
Please do understand when your girlfriend hungering for your texts/calls etc
Is not that we are sticky
We just want to know that we're in your mind
Don't be afraid or lazy to do extra little things for your gf
 Ok? :)

So here's a bit of this and that for my first post
Ending up my post with a reflection of us ♥

This picture was taken in Port Dickson during my first trip with his family members and relatives.

Stay tuned for more upcoming posts! 
Good night :) xoxo